Steigern Sie die Qualität Ihres Codes mit unserem Experten-Refactoring

Entdecken Sie effizientes, wartbares und leistungsstarkes Code-Design.

Your challenge

Sie möchten die Vorteile der Cloud voll ausschöpfen, aber Ihre bestehenden Anwendungen sind nicht optimal für eine cloud-native Umgebung ausgelegt?

Unsere Experten unterstützen Sie beim Refactoring Ihrer Softwarearchitektur, um eine vollständige Kompatibilität mit cloud-nativen Technologien zu gewährleisten.

Die Vorteile: eine verbesserte Skalierbarkeit und Leistung, sowie die effizientere Nutzung von Cloud-Ressourcen.

Cloud migration is implemented by employees

Our services

Our specialists start exactly where it hurts. We are convinced that many processes benefit from digital transformation. Create the basis for your business success.


  • Assessment of the maturity level
  • Advice on methodology, processes & best practices

Software development

  • Checking and improving code quality
  • Development in C# / .NET and Angular / Typescript

Planning the software architecture

  • Consulting based on frameworks such as domain-driven design and well-architected framework
  • Legacy (on premise) and third-party integrations

Delivery automation

  • Setting up continuous integration and continuous deployment processes
  • Static code analysis and open source compliance
  • Test automation
  • Infrastructure as Code

Governance and culture

  • Developer Experience
  • Cost optimization of cloud resources

Team Upskilling

  • Coaching on the job
  • Team skills assessment
  • Development support
  • Hiring support

Your advantages

What would we like to achieve together with you?

  • Icon: Advantages of a digital transformation

    Geringere Fehlerquote:
    Klarer Code führt zu weniger Fehlern und Ausfällen.

  • Icon: Advantages of a digital transformation

    Erhöhte Entwicklereffizienz:
    Schnellere Einarbeitung und Produktivität durch verständlichen Code.

  • Icon: Advantages of a digital transformation

    Kosteneffiziente Wartung:
    Einfachere Updates und geringere Wartungskosten.

  • Icon: Advantages of a digital transformation

    Bessere Entscheidungen:
    Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, kostenintensive und schwerwiegende Fehler zu vermeiden

  • Icon: Advantages of a digital transformation

    Höherer ROI:
    Wir erhöhen zusammen mit Ihnen den ROI der Software

We do all of this together with your employees, who we empower through training, workshops and coaching.

With our software development services, we work with you to develop tailor-made solutions. Benefit from our extensive expertise, best practices and an agile, customer-oriented and holistic methodology.

Training & workshops

Using open source software securely and in compliance with the law

Legally compliant and secure use of open source software (OSS) for IT professionals, developers and legal experts.

Learn more

Secure, cloud-native software development with DevSecOps

Intensive introduction to secure, cloud-native software development with a focus on DevSecOps for developers, architects and IT managers.

Learn more

Our references

Find out how we successfully implement projects of various sizes.

Case Study

Support for DevOps processes in the cloud and scalability in the insurance sector

Case Study

Support for DevOps processes in the cloud and scalability in the insurance sector

Das Unternehmen suchte gezielt Unterstützung für die Einführung und Evaluation von Cloud Nativen Entwicklungs- und Deploymentprozessen. Hierzu sollen Data-Driven Anwendungen mithilfe von Azure DevOps in die Cloud deployed werden.
Company size
5.000 Mitarbeiter
Company turnover
2,42 Mrd.

Benefits and improvements achieved

Unser Kunde konnte durch die Zusammenarbeit mit uns signifikante Verbesserungen in der IT-Infrastruktur und den Geschäftsprozessen des Unternehmens erzielen. Hier sind einige der entstandenen Verbesserungen:

  • Erfolgreiche Tooleinführung: Azure DevOps wurde als neues Tool für die Pipelineverwaltung eingesetzt. Hier konnte auf das umfangreiche Wissen des bestehenden CI/CD Teams gesetzt werden.
  • Effizienzsteigerung: Optimierung des DevOps-Prozesses durch den Einsatz von Pipelines und modernen DevOps-Tools wie Jenkins und JFrog, was zu einer schnelleren und effizienteren Bereitstellung von Anwendungen führte.
  • Skalierbarkeit: Einführung skalierbarer DevOps-Konzepte zur Unterstützung zukünftiger Expansion und weiterer Digitalisierungsprojekte.

Project overview


Das Unternehmen suchte gezielt Unterstützung für die Einführung und Evaluation von Cloud Nativen Entwicklungs- und Deploymentprozessen. Hierzu sollen Data-Driven Anwendungen mithilfe von Azure DevOps in die Cloud deployed werden.

Project description

Das Gesamt-Projekt des Kunden wurde von verschiedenen Dienstleistern betreut.

Im Subprojekt "Serve" wurde die Einrichtung des DevOps-Prozesses von unseren DevOps-Spezialisten umgesetzt, da das Unternehmen erstmals im Rahmen dieses Projekts mithilfe von Pipelines in die Cloud deployen wollte.

Verantwortlichkeiten im Subprojekt "Serve"

  • DevOps Prozess aufsetzen: Der DevOps-Prozess wurde aufgesetzt und optimiert.
  • Beratung in Bezug auf Tool-Entscheidungen: Das Unternehmen wurde bei der Auswahl der geeigneten Tools beraten. Dabei wurden insbesondere die Vor- und Nachteile von JFrog onPrem, JFrog Cloud und Azure DevOps evaluiert.
  • Upskilling im DevOps-Bereich: Schulung und Weiterqualifizierung der internen IT-Abteilungen, um diese in die Lage zu versetzen, selbstständig DevOps-Prozesse zu betreuen.


  • Kick-Off und Initialanalyse: Ein ausführliches Projekt-Kick-Off-Meeting wurde mit allen Beteiligten organisiert, um die Ziele und den Umfang des Projekts zu definieren.
  • Evaluation der Cloud-Tools: Evaluierung von JFrog onPrem, JFrog Cloud und Azure DevOps.
  • Implementierung von Kernprozessen in DevOps in Azure: Unterstützung des Unternehmens bei der Einführung von Azure DevOps und der Integration bestehender On-Premise-Tools.
  • Schulung: Durch eine kontinuierliche projektbezogene Schulung der internen IT-Abteilungen konnten der Wissenstransfers und das Upskilling im DevOps-Bereich sichergestellt werden.


  • Regulatorische Anforderungen: Die Einhaltung strenger Compliance-Vorschriften im internationalen Umfeld und in einer stark regulierten Branche.
  • Kostenmanagement: Balance zwischen den Kosten für On-Premise und Cloud-Lösungen.
  • Komplexität des Projekts: Vielfältige Anforderungen der verschiedenen Stakeholder und die Notwendigkeit, eine flexible und skalierbare Lösung zu entwickeln, die den Ansprüchen an Sicherheitsanforderungen und Verfügbarkeit genügt.



Durch die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieses Projekts konnte das Unternehmen nicht nur ihre IT-Infrastruktur modernisieren, sondern auch ihre Geschäftsprozesse effizienter gestalten und gleichzeitig die Compliance-Anforderungen erfüllen.


  • Cloud Services: Azure, Azure DevOps,
  • DevOps Tools: azure DevOps, Jenkins, JIRA, JFrog, Bitbucket


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Case Study

Development support for cybersecurity companies

Case Study

Development support for cybersecurity companies

The "Development Support" project improved the code quality, security and automation of a cybersecurity company with external help. Results include increased data security, improved code quality and compliance, and faster development cycles thanks to automated testing and CI/CD. It also significantly increased technological efficiency and operational agility.
Company size
1,250 employees
Company turnover
2.2 billion in 2022

Benefits and improvements achieved

  • Significant increase in internal data security through the implementation of Azure KeyVault across all development projects.
  • Increased code quality and compliance by integrating SonarCloud and Snyk into the deployment pipelines, enabling systematic code reviews and security audits.
  • Accelerate development cycles (and time to market) and reduce error rates by introducing best practices for automated testing and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD).
  • Reduction of technical debt.
  • Developed and implemented API middleware to integrate various ERP systems with a third-party system, ensuring seamless and efficient data transfer

Project overview


MAKONIS had already supported the customer a few years ago and handed over the project to internal employees.  

The primary trigger for the project was a resource bottleneck at the customer, which was caused by rapid growth and complex, performance-intensive pricing logic requirements.

Project description

The "Development Support" project was created in response to the client's urgent need for more development resources due to its internal growth and complex operational requirements.

The aim was to expand and improve capacities in the areas of code quality, security and automation with the help of external support.

The project significantly improved internal data security through the implementation of Azure KeyVault and increased code quality and compliance with SonarCloud and Snyk in the deployment pipelines.

Best practices for automated tests and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) accelerated the development cycles, shortened the time to market and reduced the error rate.

Furthermore, technical debt was reduced to ensure long-term maintainability, and a newly developed API middleware optimized data integration between various ERP systems and a third-party system.

Overall, this project significantly improved the customer's technological efficiency and operational agility.

Project process:

Using the SCRUM methodology, regular sprint meetings were held at which the project team worked with the product owner to maintain the product backlog, assign tasks and monitor progress.

The experts were quickly trained and were able to provide direct support. Hiring internal employees or outsourcing to external experts abroad would have taken too long for the company.


  • Customization of the Bicep templates and new development of deployment pipelines for the integration of Azure KeyVault.
  • Development of a new API middleware in consideration of international standards and in close cooperation with global teams.




  • C#


  • Azure KeyVault
  • SonarCloud
  • Snyk
  • SCRUM for project management

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Case Study

Optimization of the cloud infrastructure through Azure Infrastructure Automation

Case Study

Optimization of the cloud infrastructure through Azure Infrastructure Automation

The "Azure Infrastructure Automation" project automated numerous Azure subscriptions and created a self-service portal for user-friendly access. Privilege Identity Management was also introduced. These measures significantly improved the speed and security of the cloud services, enabled precise budget controls and met high security and compliance standards.
Management consultancy
Company size
2,750 employees
Company turnover
870 million in 2022

Benefits and improvements achieved

  • The project has automated the setup of over 150 Azure subscriptions and ensures that costs are allocated to the correct cost centers.
  • End users benefit from easy access through a self-service portal, which increases user-friendliness.
  • Through Privilege Identity Management, similar to the Zero Trust model, authorizations were limited in time and managed automatically, which contributed to ISO27001 compliance.

Project overview

The company has been using Azure for years and launched the project to improve the automation of its cloud infrastructure while maintaining high security and compliance standards. "Guard rails" were introduced for compliance, security and authorizations in order to meet the high requirements.

The "Azure Infrastructure Automation" project was developed to automate the provision and management of cloud resources and meet the company's requirements for high security and compliance standards.

Internal consultants need quick access to accounts and the ability to deploy a virtual machine independently and without in-depth experience in security. The system was designed so that cost centers for resources can be automatically stored and assigned to projects, which enables precise budget control.

The entire process has been automated to enable employees to work smoothly and manage the lifecycle of subscriptions to ensure that resources are properly removed once projects are completed.


One of the biggest challenges was developing an application without a database that could meet the strict security and compliance requirements.

The company's IT department did not have enough specialists with the necessary specialist knowledge to effectively meet the increasing demands for fast and secure cloud services while ensuring high security standards.



The project led to a significant improvement in the speed and security of cloud service provision.

The implementation of Privilege Identity Management improved security compliance and control over access rights, enabling the infrastructure to be managed securely and compliantly.


  • C#
  • Angular


  • Azure Web Apps
  • Azure function & Azure Durable Functions
  • Azure KeyVault
  • SQL Server

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Why you should choose us for your cloud consulting

The combination of our values and our deep, tried-and-tested technological understanding makes us a leading driver of innovation in our industry.

Practical relevance

We have learned a lot from developing our own platform and replicating it with customers.

Individual solutions

We understand that every company is unique. Our advice is geared towards finding solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs.

Innovation meets safety

While we help you take advantage of the latest cloud innovations, we ensure that your data is always safe and secure.

Flexible and independent

We do not create any dependencies on external service providers/freelancers.


Azure DevOps Migration

Curious about how to guide your organization through the process of migrating to Azure DevOps?

Learn more

DevOps Maturity

Would you like to know how to assess the current state of DevOps practices in your organization and identify areas for improvement?

Learn more

Open Source Compliance

Do you already have a software bill of materials (SBOM)? Great! Are you interested in automating the attribution of OpenSource packages?

Learn more

Software Supply Chain Security

Are you concerned about the security of your software supply chain? Do you want to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen your defenses?

Learn more

Code Quality

Do you want to measure the quality of your code objectively, identify potential problems and reduce technical debt?

Learn more

Improve your processes in the cloud!

Let our experts advise you and discover how you can achieve your business goals with the power of the cloud.

Exterior facade of a company

Microsoft Azure

Architecture Advisory
Governance & Security
Communications Platform as a Service

Ms. points to notes on planning and development of cloud platforms

SaaS Factory

Individual cloud platforms
Planning, development &
Managed services

Developer works on Microsoft Azure cloud

DevOps Consulting

Interim Scrum Master /
Product Owner
Continuous Integration & Deployment

What our experts say

"Benefit from my extensive experience as a cloud solution architect for complex enterprise applications. In my role as team leader and data protection coordinator, I place a special focus on secure development processes."

Philipp Klautke

Managing Software Engineer

How you can work with us

Arrange an initial consultation now
Step 1

Free initial consultation

We conduct a free initial consultation to identify potential and opportunities.

Step 2


Implementation of an individual workshop lasting one to two days.

Step 3

Develop a strategy

Our experts will work with you to develop a customized concept for your company.

Trust our expertise

Patrick Dahlmann

Founder & Managing Director

I am Patrick Dahlmann, founder of MAKONIS. Together as a team, we realize innovative tools and platforms. Maybe yours too?

us and receive a free assessment of the feasibility and costs of your project!

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Our answers to your questions

What does Azure Cloud Consulting include?

Azure Cloud Consulting includes strategic planning and technical expertise for the migration, management and optimization of cloud resources to improve the efficiency and scalability of enterprise IT.

What advantages does the Azure Cloud offer over other cloud services?

Azure offers a comprehensive range of services, high security standards and a global infrastructure that provides a flexible and scalable solution for companies of all sizes.

How can Azure Cloud Consulting help with cost optimization in the cloud?

Detailed analysis of resource usage and adaptation of cloud services can effectively optimize costs and reduce unnecessary expenditure.

What does cloud consulting mean?

As part of a cloud consulting engagement, companies engage us to help them plan, implement and optimize their cloud strategy.
Our consultants analyze business requirements, evaluate cloud solutions, assist with migration and ensure security and compliance.
Their goal is to maximize the benefits of the cloud, such as scalability and cost optimization. Cloud consulting also includes monitoring, training and support for internal use of the cloud.

How can Azure Cloud Consulting help my company migrate to the cloud?

It supports companies in the planning and implementation of cloud migration, helps with the selection of suitable Azure services and ensures a secure and efficient infrastructure.

What steps are included in a typical Azure Cloud migration project?

A typical project includes requirements analysis, architecture planning, service selection, migration implementation and continuous optimization.

What costs are associated with the use of cloud services and how can I optimize them?

Die Kosten für Cloud-Services variieren je nach Ihren individuellen Anforderungen.
Unsere Cloud-Consultants können bei der Bewertung der Kostenstruktur helfen, um Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen und Kosten zu optimieren.
Durch die Skalierbarkeit der Cloud können Sie Ressourcen bedarfsgerecht anpassen und unnötige Ausgaben vermeiden.